Her kan du finde de kilder, som denne hjemmesides information om Computational Thinking (CT) mm. bygger på.
[Agergaard2017] Hvad skal vi med evaluering? Karsten Agergaard, i Didaktikhåndbogen, kap. 11, s. 241-262, 2017.
[Barr2011] Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12: What is Involved and What is the Role of the Computer Science Education Community?, Valerie Barr og Chris Stephenson, ACM Inroads, 2011.
[Biggs2011] Teaching for Quality Learning at University, John B. Biggs og Catherine Tang, McGraw-Hill and Open University Press, Maidenhead, 4. udgave, 2011.
[Bjerre2018] Guided tinkering as a design for learning programming, Anne Bjerre og Nina Bonderup Dohn, i antologien Designing for learning in a networked world, kap. 10, s. 177-195, 2018.
[Caspersen2013] Computational Thinking and Practice — A Generic Approach to Computing in Danish High Schools, Michael E. Caspersen og Palle Nowack, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference, vol. 136, s. 137-143. , 2013.
[CCTD2018] CT i Gymnasiefag, online rapport offentliggjort på, 2018.
[Ennis2013] How to Teach Critical Thinking – TwentyOne Strategies and Tactics for Teaching Critical Thinking, online artikel fra, Robert H. Ennis, 2013.
[Hitchcock2018] Critical Thinking, online artikel fra The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, David Hitchcock, 2018.
[Johannesson2018] Algoritmer og faglige metoder, Anne Boie Johannesson, online artikel fra, 23. jan 2018.
[Jones2011] The Trouble with Computational Thinking, Elizabeth Jones, online artikel, 2011.
[Lee2011] Computational Thinking for Youth in Practice, Irene Lee et al., ACM Inroads, 2011.
[Lockwood2017] Computational Thinking in Education: Where does it fit? A systematic literary review, James Lockwood og Aidan Mooney, fra, 2017.
[Lockwood2018] Computational Thinking in Secondary Education: Where does it fit? A systematic literary review, James Lockwood og Aidan Mooney, International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, vol. 2, num. 1, januar 2018.
[Lu2009] Thinking about computational thinking, James J. Lu og George H.L. Fletcher, SIGCSE Bull., vol. 41, num. 1, s. 260-264, marts 2009.
[Myrfeld2019] Innovation og entreprenørskab, Systime, Aske H. Myrfeld et. al, 2019.
[Papert1996] An Exploration in the Space of Mathematics Educations, Seymour Papert, online artikel, 1996.
[Pedersen2020] Digital dannelse, Linda Mostrup Pedersen, Systime, 2020.
[Perkovic2010] A Framework for Computational Thinking across the Curriculum, Ljubomir Perkovic et al., ACM, 2010.
[Resnick2014] Give P’s a chance: Projects, peers, passion, play, Mitchel Resnick, online artikel, 2014.
[Shalley2015] The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Christina E. Shalley et al., Oxford University Press, 2015.
[Shute2017] Demystifying computational thinking, Valerie J. Shute, Chen Sun og Jodi Asbell-Clarke, Educational Research Review, vol. 22, 2017.
[Tedre2016] The Long Quest for Computational Thinking, Matti Tedre og Peter J. Denning, Proceedings of the 16th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, s. 120-129, 2016.
[Wing2006] Computational thinking, Jeannette M. Wing, Communications of the ACM, vol. 49, num. 3, s. 33–35, marts 2006.
[Wing2010] Computational Thinking: What and Why?, Jeannette M. Wing, Link Magazine, 2010.